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CognitusEA - Premium Enterprise Architecture Training & Consulting Provider

Focused Trainings on Enterprise Architecture

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Enterprise Architecture is a broad descipline. There can be many pocket of information that demands extra focus in order to deliver the complete architecture effectively in a context. Recognizing this focussed need, we deliver focussed training programs.Want to jump to the specifics? Please follow along with our focussed programs i.e. IT Strategy Training For Enterprise Architects, IT Security Training For Enterprise Architects, Enteprise Architecture Training for Leaders, and Enterprise Architecture Training For Digital Enterprise.

Overview Of Focused Trainings

Welcome to our Focused Training Program on Enterprise Architecture. In today's dynamic tech ecosystem, understanding enterprise architecture is indispensable. At CognitusEA, our training modules cater to a spectrum of professionals, leaders, and businesses.

For architects keen on fortifying infrastructure, our IT Security for Enterprise Architects course offers insights on safeguarding critical assets. If aligning tech and business is your forte, the IT Strategy for Enterprise Architects module is tailored just for you. Leaders can benefit from our Enterprise Architecture for Leaders, which imparts strategic tools for organizational excellence.

Furthermore, in an age where every business is becoming a digital entity, our Enterprise Architecture Training for Digital Enterprises & Startups is a roadmap to innovation and scalability. Through this program, startups and digital enterprises can craft a robust foundation for growth.

Join us to master enterprise architecture, tailored for contemporary challenges. With our specialized courses, transform, innovate, and stay at the forefront of the digital age.

Focused Trainings For Your Specialized EA Needs

IT Strategy Training For Enterprise Architects

This is the Section Image for IT Strategy For Enterprise Architect Training from CognitusEA

A Four Day Program

We do understand that most Enterprise Architects believe that their roles get over after making a technology roadmap. However making an IT Strategy takes more than that and includes enterprise planning skills, financial planning skills and more. If you want to touch the next level horizon in Enterprise Architecture, look no further than this program. We will equip you with the right knowledge, tools, techniques so that you approach IT Strategy as an expert!

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IT Security Training For Enterprise Architects

This is the Section Image for IT Security For Enterprise Training from CognitusEA

A Five Day Program

At Cognitus EA, we understand the critical role that Enterprise Architects play in ensuring the security and integrity of IT systems. We have developed a comprehensive training program specifically designed for Enterprise Architects who are responsible for EA planning & governance keeping IT security in mind. This training program would cover essential aspects of IT Security that is a must have knowledge for Enterprise Architects. We are committed to help you build the skills and knowledge you need to stay ahead of the latest IT Security practices, tools & techs so that you talk and govern IT Security effectively.

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Enteprise Architecture Training

This is the Section Image for Solution Architecture Consulting Services from CognitusEA

A Three Day Program

Is the complexity of Enterprise Architecture Tipping you off? Are you finding your Enterprise Architecture team not coping up-to the demands and agility required by your business? Are they entangled with heavy weight frameworks and certifications in the name of standard?

Then you will surely appreciate the simplicity of our recommended approach and can manage your EA team in a way with effective & efficient processes and practices!

You, your team and your customers all will be happy!

Do consider signing-up for this EA Program!

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Enterprise Architecture Training
Digital Enterprise & Startups

This is the Section Image for Enterprise Architecture Training for startups from CognitusEA

Time bound engagement - 6 to 8 weeks

Startups and mid sized organizations can not afford to have the load of an heavyweight enterprise architecture framework. It is neither efficient nor effective. Having said so Enterprise Architecture practices can clearly provide value - be it Product Conceptualization, Market Potential Analysis, Scalable Digital Infra Planning & management or creating the strategy for such organizations.

We bring to you a simplified process of managing your critical business goals that will enable you to adopt EA practices and processes in an effective and efficient manner.

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Do schedule a meeting with us so that we can understand your needs and provide you with a customized offer!

Individuals may call us at +91 8338819641or write to us at bemymentor@cognitusea.comto register to one of our open programs!
Fill up our Contact Formnow!