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CognitusEA - Premium Enterprise Architecture Training & Consulting Provider

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At CognitusEA, we provide top-notch training and consulting services to our customers. Beyond training programs, It our constant effort to make our views and ideas on various emerging areas of enterprise architecture available to our customers for their ideation and contribution. We publish our views in three different mediums. Those are Linkedin, Youtube and our blog subdomain . This page acts as the hub for our customers to leverage their topics and medium of choice.

CognitusEA Insights - Web Publications

We at CognitusEA publish our views our subdomain This is the primary location where our papers constantly appear. Various members team contribute this paper. Do consider visiting to our thought leadership corner!

Application Security - A Refresher for Enterprise Architects - Part 1
by Sambit Dash on

In today's digital landscape, robust application security is paramount due to the prevalence of data breaches and cyber threats. As enterprise architect, one plays a crucial role in building secure systems and applications. Staying updated on the latest application security practices is essential given the complexity of enterprise environments . This article can work as a refresher

Data Mesh Architecture For Enterprise Architects In IT Strategy
by Sambit Dash on

Data Mesh Architecture is evolving as a way to decentralize and democratize data. Havving said so, it has its pros and challenges. In this article we have tried to bring out the points that we believe are relevant to Enterprise Architects who are responsible for IT Strategy creation.

Top 10 Enterprise Architecture Mistakes: Avoiding Pitfalls For Effective Implementation
by Sambit Dash on

In this article we are trying to bring out the aggregation of mistakes that we have observed enterprises had made while setting up their EA Capability. We believe this would help the implementing organization in their journey of Enterprise Architecture

Enterprise Architecture: The Relevance In The New Age
by Sambit Dash on

As a premium Training and Consulting Organization we keep on evaluating the relevance of Enterprise Architecture along side the evolution of technology trends and practices. In this article, we tried to have a deep look at how, Enterprise Architecture would continue to add value to Enterprises.

CognitusEA Insights - Video Publications

We do understand that people like Audio Visual content and hence we have started ae youtube Channel to publish such interactive content just for you! DO visit our youtube channel and let us Know your feelback and topics of interest. This would enable us to improve the content with your participation.

10 Ways Enterprise Architect Can Help CIO Navigate AI
by CognitusEA on Youtube

AI is becoming ! In this scenario it ihas become ever more important for CIOs to make decision systematically so as to leverage benefits of AI with careful handling of employees. This article talks about how Enterprise Architect can be helpful.

9 Ways New Generation AI Will Impact Insurance
by Sambit Dash on Youtube

New Generation AI will impact almost all businesses. This Video talks about how deep learning, Generative AI and transformers will impact insurance business in 9 ways.

9 Ways New Generation AI Will Impact Insurance
by Sambit Dash on Youtube

New Generation AI will impact almost all businesses. This Video talks about how deep learning, generative ai and transformers will impact insurance business in 9 ways.

CognitusEA Insights at Linkedin

To make sure that our followers on Linkedin get to know our views and ideas, we try hard to put relevant content for consumption. If you are following our company Page then we encourage you to put your comments and feedbacks for us to take those into account in our upcomming publications!

Convergance Of Metaverse And Generative AI In Healthcare
by Sambit Dash on Linkedin

Convergence of Metaverse and Generative AI, sounds Interesting.Is not it? In this article let us try to explore more!

ChatGPT - Perceived Sides Of Same Coin
by Sambit Dash on Linkedin

This article tries to provide a balanced view on the evolution of generative AI and perceived threats!

Composable Architecture & Generative AI - Synergy
by Sambit Dash @CognitusEA on Linkedin

With the advent of generative AI, composable architecture is poised to become even more powerful.In this article we will explore how generative AI can complement Composable Architecture & what the future of this approach might be!

Guidance On EA Principles For AI
by Sambit Dash @CognitusEA on Linkedin

As AI becomes pervasive, there has been lot of debates on responsible AI where Enterprise Architects can play vital role. This article provides a guidance on Enterprise Architecture principles for AI.

Cyber Security - SAST & DAST - An EA's Refresher
by Sambit Dash @CognitusEA on Linkedin

In Order to govern the IT in a secure way, Enterprise Architect needs to refresh their skills at regular intervals. This Article tries to cover one such areas of security that is security testing!

Impact Of Cloud Computing On Healthcare - Part 4
by Sambit Dash @CognitusEA on Linkedin

One of the very interesting areas of health care is DNA Sequencing. Because of high data driven nature of this , Cloud Computing remains as the infrastructure of choice. This article focusses on that aspect in bit more details.

Impact Of Cloud Computing On Healthcare - Part 3
by Sambit Dash @CognitusEA on Linkedin

Medical Decision Making is an Important area in healthcare! This article is focused on how Cloud computing enables "Computers providing input on medical decisions"?

Impact Of Cloud Computing On Healthcare - Part 2
by Sambit Dash @CognitusEA on Linkedin

Smartphone based devices including IOT is influencing healthcare in a meaningful way. This article covers this aspect in details.

Impact Of Cloud Computing On Healthcare - Part 1
by Sambit Dash @CognitusEA on Linkedin

Cloud computing adoption rate is increasing steadily and so is in healthcare! In this article we discuss on how it is shaping up beyond 2023! This is Part 1 of the series.