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CognitusEA - Premium Enterprise Architecture Training & Consulting Provider

Advanced Enterprise Architecture Training

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At CognitusEA we specialize in various kind of Enterprise Architecture Trainings. Our Trainings are delivered for various levels of recepiants. In the same line, we deliver Advanced Enterprise Architecture Program that prepares participants to adopt themselves to higher level of Enterprise Architecture Practices that are prevalent in the real world scenario. This program is tailorable and extensive. Keep reading, to know more!

Gain a Deep Understanding Of Enterprise Architecture Practices

Have you ever wondered, why and how you get lost when you go for Enterprise Architecture Consulting?
Then this course is for you!


Consultants on an Average take

2 Weeks

To be productive

At CognitusEA, our "Advanced Enterprise Architecture Training" program is designed for Consultants who want to take their Consulting Skills to the next level. This program provides a practical approach to advanced enterprise architecture concepts, focusing on the variance in enterprise architecture implementations across large organizations and the convergence of EA frameworks.

We understand that most enterprise architects who are new to the field can find themselves at a loss when confronted with real world scenarios that do not perfectly align with their certification training. Similarly, corporate leaders may feel their enterprise architects are not performing to their full potential, despite investing in certification training.

Improve Consultant Productivity



This is where our "Advanced Enterprise Architecture Training" program shines - we bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application, providing you with the skills you need to tackle the most complex challenges in the field.

We will help you understand the specialized areas of implementation and the different governance frameworks that are adapted in various companies. You will learn how to navigate the complex landscape of enterprise architecture and develop strategies that align with your organization's business goals.

The "Advanced Enterprise Architecture Training" program is a comprehensive course that covers the most advanced concepts in enterprise architecture. We provide practical examples and real-world case studies to help you apply what you learn in a real-world setting. With this program, you'll gain an in-depth understanding of practical enterprise architecture and become proficient in advanced EA concepts.

We Celebrate your Success

So, whether you're looking to advance your career in enterprise architecture or want to gain a competitive edge in your field, the "Advanced Enterprise Architecture Training" program is the perfect choice for you.

Quick Facts

  1. A 10 day immersive training program
  2. Meant for Consultants who want to broaden their skill sets with the knowledge of Practical Implementation of Enterprise Architecture
  3. Covers
    • Most common variance of Enterprise Architecture Practices and how to identify & merge
    • Convergence of Management Frameworks related to Enterprise Architecture and how to arrive at unified one for the scenario at hand
    • Variances and nuances in EA Governance
    • TIPS to be a successful Enterprise Architecture Consultant
    • EA's Tool Box is indeed a surprise!
  4. Mode of Delivery - On Premises
  5. Corporates can request for a tailored version as per their needs!

Learning Objectives

Upon Completion of this course the learner will have a clear idea about

  1. Enterprise Architecture as it is realized in various Organization
  2. Variance of such practices
  3. Various governance frameworks and inter-relationships
  4. Convergence of Various Enterprise Architecture Management Frameworks
  5. Techniques to approach various levels of Enterprise Architecture Consulting
  6. Financial Techniques as relevant to Enterprise Architects
  7. Master of One of many flavor i.e. Digital Transformation, Portfolio/Projects, Product Development
  8. EA's Tool Box is a surprise!

We believe that you as an Enterprise Architect will be far more confident in approaching your enterprise architecture consulting engagements.


How Enterprise Architects Can remain Relevant in the Age of AI

Generative AI is progressing steadily to impact various areas of work in enterprises. We as leading training providers in the area of Advanced Enterprise Training assume our responsibility to sensitize enterprise architects to remain relevant all times.

Through this video we have expressed our views on the topic "How Enterprise Architects Can Remain Relevant In the Era of AI"..

Do schedule a meeting with us so that we can understand your needs and provide you with a customized offer!

Individuals may call us at +91 8338819641or write to us at bemymentor @ to register to one of our open programs!
Fill up our Contact Formnow!